Welcome to

Introduction to CSS

ReDI School Munich - Spring 2021

But first...

Let us recap!

  • HTML, tags and elements
  • A tad of CSS
  • The homework!

What is CSS?

Cascading Style Sheet

What do we use it for?

  • We use CSS to style a document and define how it should be visually presented to the user

  • Change the color of a text, make something move, push an element to the side and more!

How do we use it?

There are three different ways of including css in our websites...




Inline CSS


Internal CSS


External CSS


CSS Syntax

I want the main heading to be red and somewhat big...



They are the ones that let us find or SELECT the element that we want to style

Basic Selectors


I am a pink h1!

*/ #header { /* Only elements with id header */ color: pink; }

Pseudo-classes Selectors

                  /* Selects the anchor only when is hovered or focused  */
                  a:hover, a:focus {
                      color: pink;
                  a:last-child {
                      color: blue;

Pseudo-elements Selectors

                      a::before {
                          color: blue;
                          content: "Before content"
                      a::after {
                          color: blue;
                          content: "After content"

I am a paragraph!


Selects all elements that are inside another
                          div p {
                            color: blue;



Adjacent Sibling
Selects the second element directly follows the first, and both share the same parent.
                          div + p {
                            color: blue;


I will be blue

This won't be blue

General Sibling
This means that the second element follows the first (though not necessarily immediately), and both share the same parent.
                          div ~ p {
                            color: blue;
Here is some content.
More content.

And here is a blue paragraph!

And another blue paragraph!

Selects elements that are direct children to the first element
                          div > p {
                            color: red;


I will be red

This won't be red

Let's practice!


  • Is how the browser decides which property values are the MOST important for an element
  • If two or more rules are competing the browser needs to select a winner!

Inline ALWAYS wins!

If two rules are the same, the last one wins

                div {
                  color: red;

                div {
                  color: blue; /* I WIN! */

When they are not exactly the same there is some brain gymnastics involved

How does the browser calculate Specificity?

                        p {
                          color: red;

                        div p {
                          color: blue;

Which color am I?

                      p {
                        color: red;

                      div p {
                        color: blue;
                        .text {
                          color: red;

                        #text {
                          color: blue;

Which color am I?

                      .text {
                        color: red;

                      #text {
                        color: blue;

Let's see it in action!

What is the cascade?

There are 4 main levels in the CSS Cascade

  • Importance!!
  • Origin
  • Specificity
  • Position


When is best to process it and manual overrides

  • Transitions
  • !important (not recommended)
  • Animation
  • Normal properties


Where does the rule come from?

  • Website (our styles)
  • User
  • Browser (default)


Who won the race?

  • Inline
  • ID
  • Classes, attributes, pseudo-class
  • Element, pseudo-element


Where in the code is located?

Last one wins!!


Part I - Properties

Create a Button that looks like the image

Part II - Selectors

  • Make the text with the class special RED
  • Set the background of all the spans to PINK and the color BLUE
  • Make the last paragraph element have a big font size and ORANGE
  • Set the hover and focus states for all the links to have background CYAN
  • Make the element with id "continue" to have a big font size
  • Make all strong elements inside the list to have color BLUE
  • Make the second link element to have background color VIOLET
